
Wednesday, January 20, 2021


Routine Checkups are the Best Way 
to Stay on Top of your Health


Regular visits with a medical professional are an important part of a healthy lifestyle.  Too often people visit the doctor only when they are ill, as they may not realize just how essential well visits and physical exams are.

Routine checkups are the smartest way for people in all age groups to stay on top of their health, but they can be especially valuable for those age 50 and older. Regular checkups enable physicians to check current health against past visits, ensuring that any anomalies can be investigated and treated efficiently and promptly.  This can make the difference in slowing down the progression of a disease that has already developed or prevent something from becoming a full-fledged issue.

There is no hard and fast rules about how often seniors should visit health care providers.  Those who are in general good health may only require one medical checkup a year.  At this point vital signs will be checked, medications reviewed, and lifestyle topics discussed.  Providers may even recommend or discuss wellness lab tests.  Patients also can bring up any issues they may be experiencing, however insignificant they may seem.  Anything from sleep disturbances to memory loss to unexplained fatigue or pain can be addressed.  Sometimes getting everything out in the open and being reassured that there’s nothing to worry about can be helpful.

Physicians are adept at asking questions to get a sense of how patients are faring in the world.  This may include topics that seemingly have no relevance to health but can be quite important.  A provider may ask about topics such as bathing or dressing.  Questions about social interaction or typical routines can paint a better picture of both physical and mental health.

The recommended frequency of doctor visits may change as health issues arise or if follow-up is need after a treatment plan, test results, or injury.  Some seniors may have to visit a provider once a week or once a month.  Doctors, nurses and therapists will design a regimen based on a patient’s current health needs.

The following are some compelling reasons to be diligent with provider visits.

  • Patients will be less likely to forget about important screenings, like mammograms, prostate tests, cholesterol tests, and more.
  • Frequently health issues can be silent and not noticed early on by a patient.
  • Vaccines can be administered, as even adults need certain immunizations to stay healthy.
  • Patients can discuss potential lifestyle changes, like going on a diet or taking up a new fitness regimen.

It is essential to follow through with healthcare provider visits, even if they seem redundant. Physicians may detect issues that warrant close observation.  Patients are urged to have an open dialogue with their doctors so they understand the reason behind health care visits and expectations in the future. 

Patients should take an active role in their health to improve their overall wellness and reduce their risk for illness.  Horn Memorial offers private pay wellness labs the first Tuesday of the month by appointment.  Perhaps it’s time to schedule your wellness labs and then schedule an appointment with your provider to discuss your results.  It is important to be proactive in your health to have the best quality of life.