
Monday, January 18, 2021

COVID-19 Update 1-18-2021

Local public health employees have completed first-dose Moderna vaccination clinics for phase 1A, which included health care workers and residents of long-term care facilities.  Public health clinics for second doses in Phase 1-A will begin on January 26, 2021.

On January 11, 2021 Iowa’s Infectious Disease Advisory Committee (IDAC) released their final recommendation for phase 1B priority populations.  The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) released the Phase 1-B Supplemental Vaccine Shortage Order on Friday, January 15, 2021.  Phase 1-B opens to the following priority populations on February 1, 2021. 

Persons aged 75 years and older, OR the following populations vulnerable to high risk of exposure or severity of illness:

·         Individuals with disabilities living in home settings whom are dependent on attendant care staff, and their attendant care staff, if not otherwise vaccinated under phase 1A.

·         Correctional facility staff and individuals incarcerated, including state and city or county operated facilities.

·         Staff of and individuals living in congregate settings, not covered by the first two bullets, including shelters, sober living homes, behavioral health treatment centers, and detention centers.  College dormitories shall not be included as part of Phase 1B.

·         Frontline essential workers in the food, agriculture, distribution and manufacturing sectors who work in or live in congregate settings that do not allow for social distancing such as workers in a meatpacking or manufacturing production line or migrant workers who live in bunkroom-style housing.

·         PK-12 school staff, early childhood education, and childcare workers.

·         First responders (e.g., firefighters, police officers, and child welfare social workers).

·         Inspectors responsible for health, life and safety, including those in hospital and long-term care settings, child, and food production safety.

·         Government officials, including staff, to ensure continuity of government, engaged in state business at the Iowa Capitol during the legislative session.

IDAC asks that counties dedicate 50 percent of each vaccine allocation shipment to priority age populations (75 and older during Phase 1B).  Allocation of vaccine is based on US Census population data, proportionate to the county.  Counties continue to receive vaccine as they use previous shipments.  Phase 1C will not open until a certain percentage of the current priority population has been vaccinated within the state. 

Information on vaccination clinics will be forthcoming.  Please do not call public health to inquire about clinics.  You are preventing an already busy staff from moving forward with preparations.  Information about clinics will be released on the hospital website, hospital Facebook page, Ida County Courier, Holstein Advance, Reminder, with the assistance of businesses and other media sources.