
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Modifications to Immunization Clinics

On-time vaccinations during childhood is essential because it provides immunity before exposure to potentially life-threatening diseases. We have made modifications to the flow of the April 14 and 15 vaccination clinics to provide parents/guardians with peace of mind and to maintain social distancing.

We will have only one parent/guardian and the child/children needing vaccines in the office at a time. If you have a cell phone, we are asking you to call ahead when you park. We will ask screening questions and take information about the child/children needing vaccines. Paperwork will be delivered to your car. For those who do not have a cell phone, we will take your information and ask you to return to your car to wait. When it is your turn, we will call your cell phone or come to your car to get you. Immunization staff will be wearing protective gowns and face masks in addition to gloves.