
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Roger Frank pledges support to the Inpatient Building Project

Roger Frank of Ida Grove recently pledged his support to the Inpatient Project in memory of his late wife, Sandra Dee.  Roger purchased naming rights to one of the 17 patient rooms.  Roger commented, “Sandra was a long-time supporter of Horn Memorial, she knitted baby hats for the hospital for many years.  Horn is a great asset to our community, we are fortunate to have such good, local healthcare.”

Roger Frank joins a growing list of supporters for the new Inpatient Wing.  An Inpatient Project mailing recently went out to the community asking for support.  All contributions of $10 or greater will be considered payment for 2016 membership dues and these funds will support the building project.  The annual corporate meeting will be held on Monday, April 25th where the community can learn about Horn’s 2015 accomplishments as well as their commitment to the surrounding communities.

If you are interested in contributing to this worthwhile community project or would like to learn more, please contact Sarah Harm, Public Relations Director, at Horn Memorial Hospital (364-7227).