
Friday, April 1, 2016

Iris Witt and Family pledge support to the hospital’s Inpatient Building Project

Chris Nichols, Marylin Kuyper, Larry Witt, Lorraine Davis and Iris Witt
Iris Witt and her children recently pledged their support to the Inpatient Project in memory of the late Jim Witt.  The Witt Family purchased naming rights to the smaller courtyard as well as one of the 17 patient rooms.  Iris commented, “Our family feels so fortunate to have the convenience of such a quality local hospital that keeps us from driving the distance to the city for healthcare.  We chose the naming rights to these two areas knowing that the patients will benefit from the view from their room as well as visitors who walk through the hallway past the smaller courtyard.  It is something everyone can enjoy.”

The Witt Family joins a growing list of supporters for the new Inpatient Wing.  The project will begin in June with the demolition of the East Wing.  Fundraising efforts will continue throughout the project.  If you are interested in contributing to this worthwhile community project or would like to learn more, please contact Sarah Harm, Public Relations Director, at Horn Memorial Hospital (364-7227).