
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Schultz Family pledges support to the hospital’s Inpatient Building Project

Chris Nichols, Crystal Endrulat, Don and Sue Schultz, Chandra Bender

Horn Memorial Hospital has been steadily engaging the communities’ support of the planned Inpatient Building Project.  Pictured above is Chris Nichols, CEO, with Don and Sue Schultz, and two of their three daughters; Crystal Endrulat (Tim) and Chandra Bender (Roger), absent from the photo is Carrie Baden (Mark).  The Schultz Family recently pledged their commitment by purchasing the naming rights to the Doctors’ Dictation room, which is one of several naming opportunities available.  With this pledge, the Schultz family joins the growing list of supporters who have partnered with the Hospital to make this project become a reality.  A direct mailing to the communities will be distributed the first week in March and will share more information about the hospital’s plans and how you too can become involved.  Currently, donor naming rights remain available for 13 patient rooms, a nursing staff lounge, the smaller of the two courtyards, and four corridors/hallways in the new addition.