
Friday, February 26, 2016

Hultgren Family pledges support to the hospital’s Inpatient Building Project

Larry and Tappy Hultgren recently pledged their support to the Inpatient Project by purchasing naming rights to 1 of the 17 patient rooms.  Larry commented, “My family has been involved with the hospital from the very beginning.  My father, Russell Hultgren, along with Harold Godbersen, donated the land that the hospital was built on.  It only seems fit to continue our support by contributing to a patient room.  We’re very fortunate to have a hospital in our town.”

The Hultgren family joins a growing list of family supporters for the new Inpatient Wing.  A mass mailing about the project is expected to be delivered to the community the first part of March.  If you are interested in contributing to this worthwhile community project or would like to learn more, please contact Sarah Harm, Public Relations Director, at Horn Memorial Hospital (364-7227).