
Friday, April 6, 2012


Present from left: Megan Schilling, Jean Whiteing
Linda Ausborn, Crystal Endrulat, and Tina Wellendorf

At Horn Memorial Hospital Service Excellence is about going beyond the basics of your job description to better serve patients and staff.  It isn’t just about your job, but about your attitude and how you represent the hospital and your community. The Service Excellence Committee provides opportunities for staff to do just that.

As a spring project, Service Excellence challenged staff to give back to the community by hosting a hospital-wide food drive for Mid Sioux. The committee set a goal of 200 items and was pleased with the outpouring of support having surpassed this goal by more than 50 items! In addition, a “Pay it Forward” program among staff has also been implemented. Through “Pay it Forward”, staff is encouraged to perform random acts of kindness and try to make someone else’s day a little brighter by doing something unexpected.

“’Pay it Forward’ gives people the opportunity to make someone else’s day brighter. Random acts of kindness don’t have to be extravagant or time-consuming, but can be something small or thoughtful. We hope that this will catch on among staff members and possibly even spread into the community.” said Megan Schilling, leader of the Service Excellence Committee.

The Service Excellence Committee also participates in a bi-annual Adopt-a-Highway Roadside Cleanup as a way to give back to the community. Horn’s goal through Service Excellence is to make an impact one small measure at a time.

“We are always trying to implement more ways for staff to work as a team and serve patients and our community beyond what is expected of them. We hope to use our efforts this spring as a starting point for future projects.” comments Megan Schilling.