
Friday, April 20, 2012

Horn Hospice Recognizes Volunteers

Present in photo from left:  Mike Andrews, Sharon Uhl, and Floyd Wilcke.

Horn Hospice recognized their volunteers at an appreciation dinner hosted by Hospice staff on Tuesday, April 10th.  Horn Hospice currently has 16 active volunteers who give their heart and soul to the program.  With the help of these generous volunteers Horn Hospice is able to provide compassionate end of life care.  These 16 volunteers donated 461.25 hours of their time and traveled 1,931 total miles throughout the year to visit patients.  At the appreciation dinner, three volunteers were specially recognized for their commitment to Hospice.  Floyd Wilcke recorded 67.25 volunteer hours, Sharon Uhl volunteered 65 hours, and Mike Andrews volunteered 59.50.  “It takes all of these dedicated individuals to make our program a success, and we are very grateful for each of our volunteers.” commented Zanet Thies, Hospice Volunteer Coordinator. 
Active Hospice volunteers include:  Mike Andrews, Anne Beery, Karen Burnett, Betty Davison, Donna Forbes, JoDee Hewitt, Karen Lansink, Vicki Laugavitz, Cynthia Lindskoog, Cindy Mildenstein, Sue Schultz, Pam Shever, Jane Snyder, Sharon Uhl, Floyd Wilcke, and Florence Wunschel.