
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Ida County Continues to Plan for COVID-19 Vaccine

As we come closer to receiving COVID-19 Vaccine in our county, Horn Public Health reminds all residents the initial doses of vaccine will be limited and will be available to priority populations; prioritized according to guidance received from our state and federal partners.

“The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) issued a Vaccine Shortage Order effective December 14, 2020 and shall remain in effect until rescinded by IDPH.  The conditions of the order state COVID-19 vaccine shall only be administered to individuals included in Priority Designation Phase 1-A, including: healthcare personnel serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials and are unable to work remotely, and long term care facility residents and staff.  “We anticipate the delivery of COVID-19 vaccine for Phase 1-A prior to the end of the year,” said Rebecca Burns, Public Health Coordinator for Ida County. 

According to IDPH, Vaccination Phase 1-B preemptively suggests vaccine be open to those listed in Phase 1-A plus assisted and independent living facilities and people 65 and older.  Emergency and law enforcement personnel, food packaging and distribution workers, teachers/school staff, childcare providers and adults with high-risk medical conditions who possess risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness may also be included.

During Phase 2, vaccine supply will likely be sufficient to meet the demand for critical populations as well as the general public.  Ida County has been working with the healthcare providers in our county these last several months so they can offer the vaccine to their patients.  When vaccine becomes available you can check to find a location near you offering vaccine.     

Everyone should continue taking protective measures to limit the spread of COVID-19:

     Stay home if you’re sick

     Wash your hands often

     Stay six feet away from others at all times

     Wear a mask when you can’t properly social distance from others

     Recognize that older people and those with chronic health conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart issues, and organ transplants have a much higher risk of serious complications from COVID-19