
Friday, April 12, 2019

Horn Honors Organ Recipient, Katelyn Larson

Horn Memorial had the pleasure of interviewing Wendy Larson. She is the mother of Katelyn Larson who was the recipient of a new heart when she was just a baby.  Wendy did not hesitate when we reached out to her to ask if we could interview her to help Horn promote organ donation.  April is Donate Life Month, and Horn is using this opportunity to share little Katelyn’s story to promote organ donation. 

How did you feel when you got "the call" that there had been a match found?
We found out at 2 a.m. on September 11, 2013 that there was a match for Katelyn, and to be honest, my heart sank.  We were praying that she would have enough time to heal and that she would not need a new heart - because we knew that with the heart transplant came a lifetime of medicine and medical care associated with it.  In addition, it was very difficult knowing what had to happen in order for her to receive a new heart; how could we rejoice knowing someone was dealing with such loss?

What has been your favorite part of the organ donation journey?
Our favorite part of her transplant journey has been meeting so many amazing people.  We have met other kids who have overcome enormous obstacles and continue to thrive.  We were able to go to Washington DC and meet families, congressional representatives who share in the vision for supporting kids with chronic health issues.  

If you could talk to your donor family what is something you would like them to know?
If we could talk to our donor family we would let them know how absolutely grateful we are to them for making that decision during the darkest hours of their lives.  I would share with them that Katelyn is so full of life and vitality and how strong her new heartbeat is!  We are forever thankful for their generosity.

What is one thing you would say to people thinking about organ donation?
If I had the chance to talk to someone thinking about organ donation, I would tell them to do it, don't wait or hesitate. Make the decision now so you don't have to later.  It is the most generous gift you can give and the number of lives you can save and enhance is worth it all!