
Monday, December 19, 2016

Ida County Healthcare Coalition Donates AEDs to Ida County School Districts

Jo Hayes, Larry Allen, Pat Miller, Terry Kenealy, Chris Nichols and Patti Andrews
Absent from photo: Ed Sohm, Ida County Emergency Manager, Jared Johnson, HMH  Emergency Preparedness Coordinator

Jo Hayes, Jon Weibers, and Chris Nichols
Absent from photo:  Ed Sohm, Ida County Emergency Manager, Jared Johnson, HMH  Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, and Patti Andrews, Public Health Nurse
The Ida County Healthcare Coalition recently donated four automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to each of the Ida County School Districts – OABCIG in Ida Grove and Ridgeview in Holstein.  A request to the Coalition for this potential life-saving equipment came from Athletic Director, Larry Allen, of OABCIG.  After it was discovered that there was similar interest from Ridgeview, the Coalition, which consists of Ida County Public Health, the Ida County Emergency Manager, and Horn Memorial Hospital, made a request to the state for the equipment.  The state approved the purchase of 8 AEDs through the hospital’s designated Hospital Preparedness and Emergency Preparedness grant funds.  The total for the 8 AEDs and associated equipment was a little over $15,000.00.

Chris Nichols, Horn Memorial Hospital CEO, stated, “This reflects great communication and coordination between the schools and the healthcare entities in Ida County.  I’m so pleased that the Coalition could play a role to facilitate this positive step in the health of our communities.”

According to the American Heart Association, 23% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests are "shockable" arrhythmias, or those that respond to a shock from an AED, making AEDs in public places highly valuable.  The use of an AED can increase the chance of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest by 70%.   Communities with comprehensive AED programs that include CPR and AED training for rescuers have achieved survival rates of nearly 40% for cardiac arrest victims. 

OA-BCIG Shared Superintendent, Terry Kenealy, added, “The Ida County Healthcare Coalition recognized the importance of having automated external defibrillators in our school buildings to help address cardiac arrests in our communities and potentially save lives. We are sincerely grateful for this life-saving gift to our schools and appreciate the cooperative spirit that exists between the Horn Memorial Hospital, Ida County Community Healthcare Coalition and the school district.”

Jon Wiebers, Superintendent of Ridge View Schools, also commented, “We want to thank the Ida County Health Care Coalition for the efforts in securing the AEDs. This is another great example of how school, community and business partners working together can provide necessary and vital services to our schools.”