
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Lewis Family Drug pledges support to the HMH Inpatient Building Project

Front Row: Linda Chase, Samantha Peterson, Haley Westphal, Peg Cowlham
Back Row: Jodi Snyder, Ellissa Bruns, Malinda Alm, and Chris Nichols 

Lewis Family Drug pledges their support to Horn Memorial Hospital’s $9 million Inpatient Building Project.  They recently donated $15,000 for naming rights to the Staff Lounge.  On behalf of Lewis Family Drug, Pharmacist, Samantha Peterson stated, “In an effort to support the further development of patient centered care, Lewis Family Drug stands by Horn Memorial Hospital as a partner to aid in the transition of care from hospital to pharmacy. We welcome the growth of our local community and proudly support the efforts of Horn Memorial to serve this dynamic community.” 

The project continues to remain on schedule with the demolition of the West Wing to begin early June.  Fundraising efforts will continue throughout the project.  If you are interested in contributing to this worthwhile community project or would like to learn more, please contact Sarah Harm, Public Relations Director, at Horn Memorial Hospital (364-7227).