
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Horn Memorial Makes Preparations for Air Ambulance Service During Construction

Beginning June 1, Horn Memorial’s helipad will be closed through the duration of the Inpatient construction project.  Arrangements have been made between the hospital, helicopter services and local ambulance services to use the Ida Grove Airport to safely transport patients.  This is a common solution during hospital construction that other facilities have successfully implemented.  A small percentage of emergency transfers from Horn Memorial are helicopter transfers; this will not affect the majority of patient transfers from Horn as they are done by ground ambulance.  In the past several weeks, local ambulance services have practiced the new transport process and are prepared for this change.  When construction is complete in 2017, the helipad at Horn Memorial will be brought back into service.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Lewis Family Drug pledges support to the HMH Inpatient Building Project

Front Row: Linda Chase, Samantha Peterson, Haley Westphal, Peg Cowlham
Back Row: Jodi Snyder, Ellissa Bruns, Malinda Alm, and Chris Nichols 

Lewis Family Drug pledges their support to Horn Memorial Hospital’s $9 million Inpatient Building Project.  They recently donated $15,000 for naming rights to the Staff Lounge.  On behalf of Lewis Family Drug, Pharmacist, Samantha Peterson stated, “In an effort to support the further development of patient centered care, Lewis Family Drug stands by Horn Memorial Hospital as a partner to aid in the transition of care from hospital to pharmacy. We welcome the growth of our local community and proudly support the efforts of Horn Memorial to serve this dynamic community.” 

The project continues to remain on schedule with the demolition of the West Wing to begin early June.  Fundraising efforts will continue throughout the project.  If you are interested in contributing to this worthwhile community project or would like to learn more, please contact Sarah Harm, Public Relations Director, at Horn Memorial Hospital (364-7227). 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Lovett Family Pledges Support to the Inpatient Building Project

Mindi Mandernach, Terry Lovett, Kelli Lovett and Chris Nichols

Terry Lovett and his daughters recently pledged their support to the Inpatient Project by purchasing naming rights to a patient room in memory of Marilyn Lovett, wife, mother and long-time employee of Horn Memorial Hospital.  Marilyn worked as a Nurse and Compliance Office at Horn Memorial Hospital for 37 years.  Her hard work and dedication to Horn is fondly remembered by many staff.  Terri shared, “Marilyn was very dedicated to Horn Memorial for many years.  We felt it was only right to have her memory live on through support of this project.  It is nice to see the community get behind a project like this one, we need this hospital.”

Terry and his family join a growing list of supporters for the new Inpatient Wing.  There are still nine patient rooms available for naming rights.  Donations over the $500 amount will be included on a donor wall that will be displayed inside the new Inpatient Wing. If you are interested in contributing to this worthwhile community project or would like to learn more, please contact Sarah Harm, Public Relations Director, at Horn Memorial Hospital (364-7227). 

A Matter of Balance

Row 1: Dolores Meyer, Opal Harding, Joan Fries, Harlan Fries, Audrey Dittmer, Loren Dittmer
Row 2: Beth Ortner (MOB Coach), Dorothy Whitham, Sylvia Carstens, Keith Carstens, Becky Warren, Nadine Dutler (MOB Coach)  Absent from the picture: Marianne Heilman, Earl Heilman

Twelve participants recently completed “A Matter of Balance” Class which was held in Holstein throughout the month of April.  The class was led by certified volunteer coaches, Nadine Dutler and Beth Ortner.  A Matter of Balance is a fun, interactive, hands-on way to help reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels in older adults who have concerns with falling and their safety.  This program is available through Horn Memorial Public Health.   A Matter of Balance runs for two hours, twice a week, for four weeks.  For more information, contact Horn Public Health at 364.7311. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wayne and Geraldine Dankert pledge support to the hospital’s Inpatient Building Project

Wayne and Geraldine Dankert of Ida Grove recently pledged their support to the Inpatient Project by purchasing naming rights to 1 of the 17 patient rooms.  When presenting the check to us, Wayne shared, “The staff at Horn have been awful nice to us, and we are real happy to support this project.”  Geraldine went on to say, “The nurses are very accommodating, they are very thoughtful in little ways.  I have always felt comfortable as a patient in the hospital.”

Wayne and Geraldine join a growing list of supporters for the new Inpatient Wing.  If you are interested in contributing to this worthwhile community project or would like to learn more, please contact Sarah Harm, Public Relations Director, at Horn Memorial Hospital (364-7227).