
Monday, September 16, 2013

Helpful Tips to Prepare for Severe Weather

If you’ve seen the news lately, you know that emergencies can happen unexpectedly in communities just like yours, to people just like you.  September is National Preparedness Month.  This week, Reverend Kevin Freese, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church at Battle Creek and MRC volunteer, shares important steps you can take to prepare for severe weather.

Kevin reminds community members: 1) Understand the types of hazardous weather that can affect where you live and work.  2) Prepare and plan in the event you must go for three days without electricity, water service, and access to a supermarket or other local services. 3)  Build an Emergency Supply Kit which includes non-perishable food, water, first aid supplies, medications, flashlights and a battery powered radio.  4)  Make a Family Emergency Plan.  Your family may not be together when disaster strikes; a Family Emergency Plan would address how to contact each other, how you will get back together, and what you will do in case of an emergency.  
“By taking a few simple actions now, you can make your family safer during severe weather,” Kevin reminds the community.