
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Helpful Tips to Prepare for Emergencies

“Disasters can’t happen to my family.”  Or can they?  “I’m prepared for emergencies.”  Or are you?  September is National Preparedness month.  Over the next four weeks, Ida County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) volunteers will share why preparing for emergencies are important to them.

Ed Sohm, Ida County Emergency Management Coordinator and MRC volunteer remembers a time residents from Battle Creek needed to be evacuated due to a fire at a business facility.  “Evacuations are more common than many people realize, and the amount of time you have to leave will depend on the hazard.  Many disasters allow no time for people to gather even the most basic necessities.  That is why planning ahead is essential,” states Ed. 

Ed shared some important evacuation guidelines.  1) Develop a Family Emergency Plan that identifies places where your family will meet, both within and outside of your neighborhood.  2) Keep a backpack with important numbers, a list of your medications and copies of important papers readily available to take with you in any emergency.  3) Keep a half tank of gas in your car at all times.  Gas stations may be closed or you may not be able to pump gas during power outages.  4) Don’t forget to take your pets with you.  5) It’s a good idea to check with elderly neighbors who may need a ride.  6) If time allows, call your out-of-state contact in your Family Communications Plan to let them know where you are going. 

“Now is the time to prepare yourself and those in your care for emergencies and disasters,” reminds Ed.