
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Marc Augsburger, CEO, Accepts Position with Michigan Hospital

Marc Augsburger, CEO of Horn Memorial Hospital, has accepted a CEO position with his former employer, Caro Community Hospital in Caro, Michigan, effective April 14.  This move allows the Augsburger’s to be closer to their family who reside in the Michigan area.

“For the past three years, it has been a pleasure working with all of the communities that Horn serves. A few challenges were met along the way and a number of very positive enhancements have occurred at Horn.  Melissa and I wish the highest success for Horn,” comments Augsburger.

Marc Jensen, Board Chair, stated, “Horn Memorial Hospital was very fortunate to have had the services of Marc Augsburger available to us for the past three years. He has made many positive changes and has put our hospital on a positive path toward the future. We will miss his expertise and enthusiasm but the opportunity to relocate closer to family was something he could not pass up at this time.  We have a great team of talent at Horn Memorial, and the highest level of healthcare will continue to be provided during the search for a new CEO.  We wish Marc all the best in his new position.”