
Monday, August 2, 2021

Updated CDC Guidance

  • The CDC provided updated guidance this past week that provides recommendations on mask use and testing in certain areas for both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons.
  •  There has been a recent increase in virus activity in Ida County along with the presence of the more transmissible delta variant.
  • Every Iowan should remember that the most important thing we can all do is get vaccinated. Vaccination helps to limit the spread and severity of this virus.
  • In addition to vaccination, public health continues to recommend the use of other mitigation approaches including staying home when you're sick, washing your hands, and using facemasks and social distancing as a layered approach to make virus spread less likely.
  •  Vaccine supply in the state is stable and vaccines are readily available.
  • Iowans with questions about the vaccine should reach out to their health care provider or local public health.
  • The public health best practice recommendations and CDC information can be found at: