
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Horn Offers Educational Opportunity on the Topic of Vaping

Horn Memorial Hospital invites you to join us for an informative presentation on Vaping.  Learn why it’s such a fast-growing trend, the chemical make-up, effects on the brain and body, likelihood of addiction, possible side effects, and current data related to lung injury and death. This presentation is free and the intended audience is professionals, the general public, and parents (ages 18 or above). Educate yourself on this dangerous trend currently affecting the youth in our communities.

When:  Monday, December 16th 2019

Place:  Horn Memorial Hospital Conference Center
Time:  6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Presenter:  Vicki S. from Rosecrance Jackson Centers, Sioux City, IA

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Horn Hospice Prepares for the Annual Tree of Lights

The Horn Hospice Tree of Lights ceremony is set for Sunday, November 24th at 5 p.m. in the Hospital Conference Center.  This is the perfect time to remember a loved one with a special light on our tree, whether your loss was this past year, a few years ago, or many years ago.  The light will shine in your loved one’s memory throughout the Christmas season.
Lights are $5.00 each and tax deductible.  For each light purchased, your name and your loved one’s name will be listed on the memorial board that is displayed in the Hospital lobby the evening of the tree lighting.  Donations from the annual Tree of Lights help defray expenses for terminally-ill patients who enter the Horn Hospice program.  Contributions with memorial names can be sent to Horn Memorial Hospital – 701 East Second Street.