
Friday, September 22, 2017

Horn Receives NuStep Donation

The Horn Memorial Health Promotions Department recently received a NuStep Seated Elliptical Recumbent Cross Trainer in memory of Diane Schreiber.  This piece of equipment is a great benefit to the Cardiac, Pulmonary, and Physical Therapy Departments as they exercise patients on the seated cross trainers daily.  Present in photo from left are Diane’s sons and daughter-in-law:  Andy, Kim and Judd Schreiber.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

United Airlines Trust Fund Grant Benefits Ida County MRC

Horn Memorial Hospital recently received a United Airlines Trust Fund grant through the Siouxland Community Foundation. The grant provided First Aid Kits and emergency blankets to the Ida County MRC members and banners to promote the “You Are the Help, Until Help Arrives” program.  Pictured are some of the MRC members: Marilyn Skaren, Anne Johnson, LuAnn Bennett, Erin Dausel, Rich Salcido, Greg Steenbock, Micki Fischer, Lori Peterson, Nancy Schoen, Larry Albrecht and Patti Andrews, MRC Unit Leader. 

You Are the Help, Until Help Arrives

Trauma is the leading cause of death for Americans under age 46.  Life-threatening injuries require immediate action.  A delay between injury and the initiation of care can result in death.  People nearest to someone with life-threatening injuries are in the best position to provide first aid. 
Research from the CDC shows that people hesitate to act when they feel they do not know what to do or are afraid they may make the situation worse.  However, the actions most likely to save lives are simple and require no special skills or equipment. 

“You Are the Help, Until Help Arrives” is a program designed to educate and empower the public to take action in emergency situations and provide lifesaving care before professional help arrives.  Members of the Ida County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) were recently trained in the program and are available to present the training to community members. 

Members of the Ida County MRC will be presenting “You Are the Help, Until Help Arrives” training on Thursday, October 12 starting at 6:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. at the Meeting Place in Galva.  To register call Horn Memorial Public Health at 364-7311 or Anne Johnson at 282-4426.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Horn Welcomes New CEO, Glen Winekauf

Horn Memorial Hospital welcomes new CEO, Glen Winekauf.  Glen is originally from Tipton, Iowa and is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel with 27 years of service.  He brings with him an impressive history of healthcare leadership from his 16 years with Mercy Hospital in Iowa City, and most recently, his position of CEO at Select Specialty Hospital in Evansville, Indiana. 

Glen has a strong understanding and appreciation for rural healthcare and plans to be active in the community through several local civic groups. He and his wife, Tonja, have five children; Tonja and the two younger children plan to make the move to Iowa as soon as their commitments and schedules allow. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Horn Announces New CEO

The Board of Trustees and Executive Team of Horn Memorial Hospital are pleased to announce that Glen Winekauf has accepted our offer to serve as the next CEO of our great organization! Glen will travel from Indiana to join us on September 14th; he is excited to begin, and we are excited to have him!! More information to follow once Glen arrives!