
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Senior Day at Ida Area Farmers Market - August 31st

ICCBF Grant Helps Purchase new Cardiac/Pulmonary Rehab Monitoring System

Horn Memorial Hospital recently installed a new cardiac/pulmonary rehab monitoring system. The new monitoring system is used for every patient who attends either cardiac or pulmonary rehab and replaces a 13-year old piece of equipment.  Features of the new system include
EKG (heart) and oxygen level monitoring and METS (work-load) calculations; it also serves as the charting platform, gives summaries of exercise sessions, tracks education classes, and takes photos of the patient for identification purposes.

This state-of-the-art system was partially funded by a generous grant from the Ida County Community Betterment Foundation (ICCBF).  ICCBF’s ongoing support of our community hospital is recognized and greatly appreciated!

Present in photo with the new cardiac/pulmonary rehab system:  Megan Zimmerman, Jean Cipperley, Kathy Henrich, and Sarah Tarr.