
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Horn Updates Construction, Fundraising for Inpatient Project

Work has begun on Horn Memorial’s new 18-bed, 13,000 square foot inpatient unit that will feature all private rooms with bathrooms/showers and an outdoor courtyard with walking path and sitting areas for patients, families, guests, and employees.  Ground was broken by HMH leadership and the Board of Trustees on May 23, 2016.  Since then, the old “west wing” was abated and demolished.  After demolition was completed, crews spent about a week on shoring and trenching for utility lines.  Currently, the basement is being dug with plans for footings bring poured and basement walls put up throughout the month of August.  By September 1, steel columns will be visible. The whole project is slightly ahead of schedule with a completion date of October, 2017.

The community support and fundraising for this much needed update has been instrumental in getting the project off the ground. 

Less than a year ago, Horn Memorial began their venture to fundraise $1.5 million for a new Inpatient Unit that is estimated to cost $9 million.  Since November 2015 the hospital and a group of community members has successfully raised $1.4 million of that goal.   Efforts continue with the hope to meet and surpass the $1.5 million fundraising goal before completion of the project.

Twenty nine areas/rooms were identified as opportunities for naming rights, and to date, 22 of the 29 areas/rooms have been reserved.  The areas left include one patient corridor and six patient roomsHospital CEO Chris Nichols comments, “The support of this project has been remarkable.  Many of our donors and community partners have stepped up in huge way.  For our larger donors, many have chosen to honor or memorialize a loved one.  Several times I’ve been moved just hearing the stories that people share about who the room is dedicated to.  Others have chosen naming rights to a whole family or business.  The timelessness of the naming rights to a particular room or area, and the fact that those names will be displayed for at least the next 50 years, carry great meaning to people, as does Horn Memorial.” 

The HMH Inpatient Project remains a great opportunity to memorialize or honor loved ones, perhaps even someone who has benefited from the care at Horn Memorial.  All donations at and above $500 will be recognized on a new donor recognition wall that will be placed inside the new unit.  If interested in becoming a partner in HMH’s Inpatient project, please contact Marketing Director, Sarah Harm at 712-364-7227.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Horn Public Health Extends Immunization Clinic Hours in August

A new school year is fast approaching and now is the time to review your child’s immunization record to be sure their vaccinations are up-to-date.  It is especially important for children entering kindergarten, 7th grade, and college. Students continuing on to post-secondary education need to check with their college or institution to see what vaccinations are required or recommended.
Horn Public Health will hold extended Vaccine for Children (VFC) clinics in August.  The clinics will be Tuesday, August 9 and Wednesday, August 10 from 9:00 a.m. to noon and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day. To be eligible for VFC clinics, a child must meet one of the eligibility requirements: is enrolled in Medicaid, does not have health insurance, is American Indian or Alaskan Native, or is underinsured (has health insurance that does not pay for vaccinations). Public Health is located in the upper level of the Medical Arts Building at 700 East 2nd Street in Ida Grove.  Please bring your child’s new Medicaid/MCO cards. Parents can call 712-364-7311 with questions.

The Iowa school immunization law requires parents to vaccinate their children against diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), measles, rubella, polio, hepatitis B and chickenpox as a condition of entry into kindergarten.  Booster immunizations can be given any time after a child’s fourth birthday.

Beginning with the 2013-2014 school year, Iowa requires a one-time booster dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) for students in grades 7 and above, if born on or after September 15, 2000.  In addition, there are adolescent vaccines available to help protect against meningitis, HPV, Hepatitis A, and chickenpox.

As a reminder, it is important to maintain immunization records in a safe place. Proof of immunizations may be necessary throughout life.