
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Back Row:   Angela Frank, Scott Forby, and Deb Jensen
Front Row:  Tina Madsen, Katrina Utterback and Kendy Zavala

Congratulations to these six employees who were recently awarded a scholarship from the HMH Auxiliary!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Lieutenant General, Susan Lawrence, pledges support to Horn Memorial’s Inpatient Building Project

Ida Grove native and retired Lieutenant General, Susan Lawrence, pledges her support to Horn Memorial Hospital’s $9 million Inpatient Building Project.  Susan recently purchased the naming rights to number 10 of the 17 patient rooms.  While visiting with the CEO, Chris Nichols, she commented, “I am proud of all of the new projects going on in my home town.  I’ve been following the hospital’s building project through the local papers and wanted to be part of it.  My grandmother, Evelyn Ferguson, was a donor to the original hospital 50 years ago, and I wanted to continue this legacy.” 

The project continues to remain on schedule with asbestos abatement to the West Wing beginning the week of June 6th.  Community fundraising has been extremely successful thus far.  The “break ground goal” of $1-million was surpassed in April, and the project goal of $1.5 million is within reach.  To get involved and donate to the project, please contact Marketing Director, Sarah Harm, at 364.7227 or