
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Horn Hospice Receives New Flags

Bonnie VanHouten of Battle Creek shows the hand-painted Horn Hospice flags that she made and donated for the Horn Hospice Garden.  Bonnie is a long-time supporter of Horn Memorial Hospital and has a special place in her heart for the Hospice program.  She enjoys doing crafts to keep her busy and took the time to make six of these flags for Horn Hospice so they can be exchanged when they show wear from the weather.  Cindy Mildenstein commented, “This is a beautiful tribute to our program and gives our garden a special touch.  We are all grateful that she thought of us.”

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Horn Auxiliary pledges support to the hospital’s Inpatient Building Project

Chris Nichols, Robin Thornhill, Jane O'Tool, and Susan Miller

The Horn Memorial Hospital Auxiliary recently pledged their support to the Inpatient Project by purchasing naming rights to 1 of the 17 patient rooms.  The Auxiliary volunteers work hard each year to support the hospital.  The Horn Gift Gallery and annual Bazaar reflect the largest time commitment from this group of volunteers.  Chris Nichols, CEO, commented “Horn is extremely fortunate to have such a great group of dedicated volunteers that reflect the mission of Horn. Their support of our hospital and the Inpatient Project speaks to their longtime support of Horn.”  The Auxiliary continues to be a viable part of Horn Memorial with numerous volunteers committed to serving the Auxiliary and Hospital.   Over 100 volunteers give their time and talents to our local hospital each year, and their support of the Inpatient Project is just one of the ways they make a difference.

A mass mailing with a letter and brochure about the Inpatient Building Project recently went out to the community asking for support.  This request was in lieu of the yearly “membership drive” mailing.  Horn Memorial asks that you consider supporting this worthwhile cause in any way you can.  As a non-tax supported entity, Horn appreciates all donations for this project. 

If you are interested in contributing to this worthwhile community project or would like to learn more, please contact Sarah Harm, Public Relations Director, at Horn Memorial Hospital (364-7227). 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Carolyn Young pledges support to the hospital’s Inpatient Building Project

Carolyn Young of Galva recently pledged her support to the Inpatient Project by purchasing naming rights to 1 of the 17 patient rooms.  Carolyn’s support of the project was done in memory of her late husband, James M. Young.  While presenting her check to us, Carolyn shared, “Our family decided this was the perfect project.  Jim always said, I got the best care in Ida Grove!”

Carolyn Young and her family joins a growing list of supporters for the new Inpatient Wing.  If you are interested in contributing to this worthwhile community project or would like to learn more, please contact Sarah Harm, Public Relations Director, at Horn Memorial Hospital (364-7227). 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Horn Hospice to Offer a Hospice Volunteer Training

Horn Hospice defines its role as a “special kind of care; bringing comfort, support, and compassion to the terminally ill and their families.” The Horn Hospice program is designed to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual and economical needs of each individual.  At this time we are looking for caring people to join our team of volunteers to use their wonderful talents and skills to help people when they need it most.

Interested individuals must attend the eight scheduled training classes to receive the Hospice Volunteer Certificate in order to qualify to be a Horn Hospice Volunteer. The training will teach individuals about the hospice philosophy, purpose and goals, concepts on death and dying, communication, personal care, and the grieving process. 

Volunteer training has been set for Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning March 15th and going through April 7 from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. in the Horn Memorial Conference Center.

If you are interested in joining our Hospice Volunteer Team or have questions, please call the Horn Hospice office at 712.364.7311.   Questions can be directed to Cindy Mildenstein, RN, Hospice Director, or Nancy Schoen, Hospice Volunteer Coordinator