
Friday, November 21, 2014

Ida County Pink Walk Donates $8,500 to Horn Memorial

Judy Andresen, Crystal Endrulat (Radiology Director), Linda Ausborn, and Lorna Steenbock

Ida County Pink Walk donated $8,500 from the 2014 event back to Horn Memorial Hospital for women’s health services.  Their success comes from the hard work and dedication of many volunteers, but the core committee remains strong with the leadership of Judy Andresen, Lorna Steenbock, and Linda Ausborn.  There were 231 registrants this year, which included 23 breast cancer survivors.  The survivors’ presences at the walk is just another reflection of the committee’s success and the purpose of all their hard work – to bring breast cancer awareness to the forefront!  Horn Memorial Hospital thanks the committee and the community for their continued support of the fight against breast cancer.

HMH Foundations Gives Back $50,000 to Horn Memorial

Kathy Wilke, Horn Memorial Hospital Foundation President presents a $50,000 to Chris Nichols, CEO.  

The Horn Memorial Foundation recently held their annual Fall Festival raising nearly $32,000.  This event coupled with the annual Foundation Golf Outing held in May of this year allowed the Foundation to donate their proceeds of $50,000 back to Horn Memorial Hospital.  Currently the hospital is doing a master facility plan that will study the future needs for potential upgrades; these funds will be set aside for those upgrades.