
Friday, November 22, 2013

Home Sleep Study Equipment Demo

Pat Stevens demonstrates the simplicity of the Home Sleep Study equipment at Horn Memorial Hospital’s Sleep Lab Open House held Wednesday, November 20th.  Community members, healthcare providers and staff had the opportunity to tour the new in-house sleep lab, learn about the differences between in-house and home sleep studies as well as talk to sleep equipment representatives.

Friday, November 15, 2013

OA-BCIG Volley Ball Team Raises Funds for Breast Cancer Awareness

Present in the photo from left:  Crystal Endrulat, Jensen Boger, Cheyenne Wilcke, Kallie Schroeder, and coach, Heather Spetman.
The OA-BCIG Volleyball Team raised $1,010.50 for Horn Memorial Hospital mammography through their PINK OUT efforts!  The Team held several different events during the volleyball season to support the cause:  a pie in the face raffle, face painting, serving competition, kid coach raffle, 2 cake raffles and t-shirt sales.  Their efforts got many involved and helped to promote breast cancer awareness.  Crystal Endrulat from HMH Radiology was present to accept the check.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Horn Hospice - Helping Families Focus on Living

No one likes to think about death and dying, but it’s something everyone has to face eventually. There’s an incredible resource in our community that provides comfort, dignity and respect to all those coping with a serious or life-limiting illness - HORN Hospice.

November is National Hospice Palliative Care Month, a time to reach out to our community to raise awareness about the compassionate care that hospice and palliative care.

One of the most important messages to help people understand is that hospice care helps patients and families focus on living. The hospice team provides expert medical care to keep patients comfortable and able to enjoy time with loved ones.

The hospice team answers questions, offers advice on what to expect, and helps families with the duties of being a caregiver. The team also provides emotional and spiritual support for the entire family. Hospice is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and by most insurance plans and HMOs.

Hospice care is provided in the home, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and long term care centers.

Hospice care is available to people of all ages, with any illness. Horn Hospice professionals and trained volunteers will ask you what’s important and listen to what you say. They make your wishes a priority.

If you or a loved one is facing a serious or life-limiting illness, the time to find out more about hospice and palliative care is right now. Call Horn Hospice at 712.364.7311