
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Golf for the Girls Donates to HMH Women's Health

The second annual “Golf for the Girls” event raised $5,500 for Women’s Health at Horn Memorial Hospital. This fun women’s night out was a huge success with 35 teams (140 women) and 65 local sponsors participating. A BIG THANK YOU to all of the teams, sponsors and core committee members for this awesome donation for HMH Women's Health.
Committee Members:  Tammie Dausel, Brandi Sharkey, Carol Bresnahan, Kim Claussen and Katie Chisholm

Monday, July 8, 2013

HMH Offers Employee Wellness Program

January 2013 marked the start of a new Employee Wellness program at Horn Memorial Hospital.  Eighty three employees joined the program and committed to a healthier lifestyle.  The goals of the Horn Memorial Hospital Wellness program are to provide wellness education, create a work culture that supports healthy lifestyle choices, and provide an effective support system for employees.  The wellness program is led by eight committee members who serve as “Wellness Coaches” for the members.  The Wellness Coaches help members stay on track, focus on their goals, and offer one-on-one support and encouragement.    Committee members serving as Wellness Coaches are Kelly Shever, Stephanie Jacobson, Becky Wuebker, Judy Martin, Jean Cipperley, Liz Anderson, Kayla Thies, and Megan Wellendorf.

Each quarter, wellness members participate in challenges to help achieve their goals.  The most recent challenge focused on the importance of physical activity and was entitled “Minutes To Win It.”  Members were divided into teams amongst the wellness coaches and competed against the other teams to average the highest number of exercise minutes per day.  After tracking minutes for 12 weeks, the team with the highest average won!  Kayla Thies’ team won the challenge with an average of 43 minutes exercised per team member, per day!  Second place went to Kelly Shever’s team with an average of 39.9 minutes per day, and Megan Wellendorf’s team came in 3rd with an average of 39.6 minutes per day.  As a whole, the wellness members exercised a grand total of 174,186 minutes over the course of the 12 week challenge!