
Monday, May 14, 2012

HMH Auxiliary Volunteers Honored at Luncheon

The HMH Auxiliary honored their volunteers at a salad lunch held on May 1st in the HMH Conference Center.  The luncheon was given as small token of appreciation to the volunteers who give endless hours supporting Horn Memorial Hospital in various ways.  The following Auxiliary volunteers received recognition pins for hours served.  700-hour honoree:  JoAnn Heath.  600-hour honorees:  Lavonne Murray and Mildred Fleenor.  500-hour honorees:  Marjorie Lantz, Janet Mahood, and Ramona Schubert.  400-hour honoree:  Marilyn Skaren.  300-hour honorees:  Twyla Martin and Millie Schuett.  250-hour honorees:  Virginia Wellendorf and Carol Mohrhauser.  200-hour honorees:  Kathy Wilke, Cecile Bargar, Joan Petersen, and Kathleen Lichtenberg.  150-hour honorees:  Alice Hanson, Marge Hauschildt, Wanda Kauffman, Dixie Lansink, Ardyce Wolterman, and Melissa Augsburger.  100-hour honoree:  Donna Forbes. 
Back Row: Bev Jessen, Judy Blanco, Cecile Bargar, Carol Grayson, Dixie Lansink, Carol Mohrhauser, Kim Miller, Marlene Zobel, and Roberta Freese.  Middle Row:  Susan Miller, Joanne Farley, Judy Lansink, LaVonne Murray, Donna Forbes, Virginia Wellendorf, Joan Petersen, Wanda Kauffman, Leilla Lansink, Velma Smith, and Betty Hanson.  Front Row:  Melissa Augsburger, Jane O’Tool, Mildred Fleenor, Millie Schuett, Alice Hanson, Marilyn Skaren, and Marge Lantz.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Horn Foundation's 2nd Annual Golf Outing Raises $28,000

The Horn Memorial Hospital Foundation raised $28,000 at their second annual Golf Outing held Friday, May 4th at the Ida Grove Golf and Country Club.  With 95 sponsors and 17 teams of golfers, Dale Ullrich, Chairman of the Foundation Board, deemed this annual event a great success!   

Funds raised through this golf outing have been designated towards Women’s Health, and more specifically will be used to finalize the last few details of the Digital Mammography project.  The Foundation has successfully set and reached their goal of providing digital mammography at Horn Memorial Hospital with digital mammography services beginning mid-June.

2012 Foundation Board Members include;  Dale Ullrich, Chairman; Kathy Edsen, Vice-Chairman; Barbara Votrobeck, Secretary; Cyndi Rock-Raasch, Treasurer, and members at large include Deb Einspahr, Peter Goldsmith, Karen Salmon, and Bonnie Teut.

For event photos visit: